Sunday, July 31, 2011

Obey My Command

 I ordered the Red Buffoon to make me laugh...

Surprisingly, he did not disappoint.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Montana Dignitaries Photo Tribute

The wild Mr. Mulvaney. Seen here enjoying my old "fill the diaper" trick.

The wise Margret Belisle. I was enraged that she stopped reciting her exciting poems to take this picture...

The long-awaited meeting with Auntie Margie and Uncle Fred! Finally, I met the inspiration for that delicious Uni sushi!

The Honorary Uncle and the Lady Lauren! These two were a little too good at quelling my grunts - perhaps they should make a monkey of their own... Oh, I'm just terrible!

The Brothers Burke! Uncles Martin and Kevin along with Grampy. Now I see where my charming looks and quick wit come from!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Journey to the land of the "Montanan Monkeys"!!

As a welcoming gesture, the monkeys of Montana planted 11,000 red geraniums (my favorite) with the year of my birth spelled out in the middle. My accommodations (seen in the background) were regal, but a bit drafty.

I felt it necessary to pose in front of the chambers I will no doubt one day preside over. (Should make a great pic for my biography - what foresight!)

Prepping for my future role of Senate Dictator - these Montanans are sooo Colonial (my real wig was being re-powdered at the time).

My favored spot of repose. A day in the stocks to the man who mentions my ever-balding head!

Poor Grampy, he was overwhelmed by greatness when cousin Cormick and I held an audience with him at the same time.

Auntie Riggs personally toured me through the municipality of Missoula.

Uncle Dan has the strength of a woodsman and the touch of a wet nurse!

I bravely volunteered to protect the women folk from bears while they walked the dark woods.

A bear, EEEEEEE!!!  Oh wait, dear me, that's only a black lab. Carry on.

Cousin Cormick's muscular physique was the talk of the town water park. Natural models abound in my bloodline...

Cormick and Mother raced for my entertainment through rings of scalding water!

Truly, the celebrations were endless!

Found again in my favorite spot, this time by the s'more fire Grampy build to my great satisfaction.

I would have eaten several of the so called "s'mores" myself, but I detest sticky hands.

Coach?! Who booked these tickets? I want answers!

After being given a first-class window seat, I was able to survey my vast lands and ponder the wondrous times had in the land of the Big Sky. Until next time my dear 406ers!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Municipality of Seattle honors me!

Night sets over Seattle, as the city prepares to officially celebrate my coming with a grand show of fire in the sky. They oddly chose the night of July 4th for the display of joy...

We all dressed in red, white and blue, the colors of the Mongolian flag, in my honor.

What luck! Two wise elders (Papa and Grampy) and a BFF in one shot!

Cousin Cormick, always the life of the party, regales Momma and Nana with an old yarn of the West.

Natalie and I perform our synchronized baby holding routine. The Red Buffoon and Uncle Adam still need lots of practice if there's any hope for us at London 2012.

Cormick and Auntie Riggs enjoyed my fireworks show so much, they couldn't possibly sit!

Sporting the newest in fashion - cotton stuffed ears - I was forced to pose with my minions once again...

Worn out by the splendor of my fireworks, Cormick finally fell into a deep sleep in Grampy's lap. 

The Chronicles of Nanaia!

The legendary Nana whispered great mysteries into my ear.

And I was forced to ponder deep thoughts, long into the night. 

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I am a Mountain Man!

After staring down a grizzly bear, and riding a mountain goat (bareback no less) I next braved the raging waters of White Pine Creek. And thus began my first epic excursion into the hills...
Uncle J.C. nearly drowned, but luckily I was there to chop down a large branch, weave a sturdy line from the overhanging moss, and fish him from the turbulent waters.
Greetings backwood lady babies. As an endless romantic I chose to protect my delicate hands with a heavy pair of socks. Style is my modus operandi.
Our backwoods abode. I ordered the red buffoon and Uncle J.C. to build me a fire ring worthy of a king.
They did not disappoint!

Mother held me tightly as I communed with nature. I was able to verify on this trip what I already knew - I am indeed one with the stars, the moon and the wind. (Not so sure about the poo shovel though).

There is never a need for guns in the woods when you have the protection of the Mongolian Monkey Bear!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Fashion with Cousin Cormick

Blue life preservers are so hot right now.

He literally taught me all I know about fashion. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Montana's finest have called upon me!

This past week I was visited by dignitaries from the grand state of Montana, claiming to be my blood relations. Though I do recall seeing the two elders before, I'm still wary, as I know my endless adoring fans will do anything to get within my inner circle...

Grampy and my new idol Cousin Cormick fought a valiant battle for my entertainment. Cormick emerged victorious after a daring double thrust, fake left, triple twirl and stab maneuver. Simply brilliant.

 The red buffoon led us on a long walk through the rain forest. As you can see, only he is happy about said "adventure."

A discussion on inter-state relations, caught on film. Grampy argued my tariff on Salmon is far too high, while I argued "Montana has no salmon, stop your whining!" 

As heir to the Throne of Burke, I demand that beach ball cousin! (He simply looked at me and continued to play his glorious games...)

The long awaited meeting with Auntie Riggs! She and cousin Chris showered me with many kisses and praises of my beauty. (Also seen here to the keen eye - future Cousin Abi!!)

Indeed, my face fills out more each day. Handsome knows no weight limit...

I was so nervous whilst in the grasp of my hero Cousin Cormick, Grammy was forced to hold my head to stop the shaking. I can only wish that one day my hair will be as fair!

Egads! Run cousin, a giant troll!

Father and Cormick brave a photo op with the monstrosity. Their courage knows no bounds.

Finally, Cormick read a deeply philosophical treatise on the sin of gluttony to us. I was most enlightened. Nevertheless, bring on the chocolate cake!