Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Visitors from the strange land of "Oregon"

A gathering of the Augusts. Apparently all these fine looking men were named after me! (Yours truly with William August Schickler III, William August Schickler IV & William August Schickler V.)

Uncle Bill and Auntie Tana preparing for a dignified game of Croquet - my second favorite sport next to Polo!

The entire caravan of dignitaries from Oregon get in on the grand fun.

Uncle Bill attempts to soften his rugged features next to one of my award-winning rhododendrons. Remind me to order the gardeners to prune that overhang - what blight on my perfect course.

Cousin Nate and Auntie Melissa helped a family in need build a backyard fence. You can see where Little Mother Teresa of Calcutta gets her charity genes from...

Cousin Will and Uncle Adam put the finishing touches on the fence while I supervised from the cabana.

BFF Natalie and I greeted Nana and Papa in our royal robes. Natalie, caught here in a brief rage of jealousy over my glorious polka dot robe, quickly calmed when I informed her hers was made from the hide of a rare blue kangaroo.

A fancy gentleman guest joined us at the post-fence building celebration dinner. (Like I said - rugged!)

My adoring fans follow me everywhere!

1 comment:

  1. As the 'middle' aged Augustus, I would like to proclaim that this youngest Augustus has both the looks and the poise to uphold the Augustine Era. It was a pleasure visiting the supreme monkey man and, as the oambassador of the strange land of Oreonians, I would like torequest another visit in the near future. Especially when he learns to peel his own bananas.
