Monday, June 11, 2012

Feed Me, If You Dare

After months of painstaking scientific research and countless hours in front of the mirror, I have finally perfected the "Yes I'm ready for that spoonful of food, but really I harbor hidden, darker intentions of spiting it in your face immediately afterwards" look. Patent pending.

An Evening With An Old Chum

My old comrade in arms Ben (along with his supervisors Skye and Steve) paid me a visit. I couldn't help but show off my newly built armada with a sail to the mystic Isle of Bainbridge, upon my flagship "The Sea Monkey."

Many laughs were had upon the high seas.

And a few bawdy mariner songs as well! Chip chip, cheerio good mate!

Well Someone Had to Chaperon

And it was a good thing too - they kept trying to sneak off in the woods whenever my royal mounted carriage turned away.  Kids these days.

One Day, All This Shall Be Mine!

Ho Ho, a fine jest I know. It already is mine, and something will have to be done about that pointy building the Red Buffoon seems to be trying to stick me upon.

As always, doing my part to make this city look deliriously good.